Climate changes will continue to increase risks in frequency and impact unless the real estate sector do something about it
GRI Global Light Industrial & Logistics Committee
How can hotels stay relevant in today's environment?
Green real estate portfolios under debate
GRI Global Multifamily & BTR Committee | 2022
Are underperforming hotels set for a PBSL boom?
Shifting tenant behavior & driving sustainable approaches to PBSA
Conference will discuss Portugal’s position as a prime investment destination in the European market
Both local and international senior players will attend GRI Club’s most relevant conference in Italy
Looking back and going forward
Sustainable hospitality in 2022 and beyond
Experiential standpoints and the demand for health and safety in hospitality
GRI Club’s in-person event in India will happen in May
Opportunity for real estate to be at the forefront of the ESG global agenda
What's the future of workspaces?
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