Key impacts on real estate and infrastructure development
Zurich Insurance and BuildingMinds join forces to reshape the way real estate asset data is managed for a greener, smarter future
GRI Awards India 2024 honours fourteen winning projects, leaders, and transactions representing excellence in Indian real estate
Key innovations redefining the office market in India's Silicon Valley
Landlords mindful of net-zero carbon benefits aren’t waiting for tenants to vacate spaces before undertaking retrofit projects
Key insights on innovative financing mechanisms, regulatory nuances, and investment trends
Collected insights from the biggest decision makers in Europe's Logistics & Industrial sector
Spain's largest operator of short- and medium-term alternative accommodations targets strategic expansion into the UK and France
GRI Awards Europe 2024 crowns fifteen winning projects, leaders, and transactions representing excellence in European real estate
CEO & Co-Founder of Deepki, Vincent Bryant, addresses importance of auditable data, AI, and retrofitting on the path to net-zero
Germany’s leading grocery RE investment fund agrees strategic framework with grocery retailer Kaufland for seven retail centres
Can the Nordics remain a stable investment haven amid global shifts?
Latest GRI Club report reveals private investor discussions regarding the European hospitality real estate sector in 2024
Exclusive insights on investment trends, market performance, and future prospects in Spanish Hospitality from industry leaders
MSCI Europe Quarterly Private Real Estate Debt Fund Index
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